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18 April, 2011

Uniformity or Bad Form?

I asked on Twitter what people thought of the NBA crowds wearing the same colored shirts at all the games recently. It was a fairly divisive topic. Here is what you had to say.


@ oddly erotic.

 John Stemple 

Looks like a cult about to commit mass suicide >>> @? of the day. What do you think of NBA crowds all wearing same colored shirts?
 Hector Santos 

@ same looking crowds feels like a cult. Waiting for kool-aid to be handed out.
 Matt McDevitt 

@ gives me a migraine
 lee fine 

@ It's stupid. I suspect Miami did it to hide the empty seats.
 Ryan McCarthy 

@ i like it except oklahoma's blue looked strange with the nuggets wearing light blue on the court

@ I think the NBA crowds are great...I prefer my crowds to be conformity driven for the sake of the team...
 Evan Streusand 

@ it's overdone. looks cool on tv though

 Jeremy Kerensky 

@ Makes it an event to crowd, but can look goofy on TV. "White Out" terrible though. Use a team color.
 Aaron Starr 

@ I like it..looks like playoff basketball
 mark coale 

@ it was better when hockey crowds did it first,. :>
 Glen Zariczny 

Love it. Enhances the atmosphere RT @: ? of the day. What do you think of NBA home crowds all wearing same colored shirts?
 Joe Hoffmann 

@ Dont think it affects the game, but is impressive nonetheless

@ Lame lame lame...

 Greg Wood 

It's s#$% and needs to stop! RT @ ? of the day. What do you think of NBA home crowds all wearing same colored shirts?

@ too easy, fans just get shirts when they enter, its not like they bring them from home

 Anish Shroff 

Death of American individuality? RT @ ? of the day. What do you think of NBA home crowds all wearing same colored shirts?
 Daniel Carpio 

Douchery RT @: ? of the day. What do you think of NBA home crowds all wearing same colored shirts?
 Patrick Shay 

@ Great rip off of hockey arenas.
 adam h 

@ love it
 Patrick Neville 

@ Shows NBA trying to create a college atmosphere. Tries to include as them "Sixth Man" even if they aren't actively cheering.
 Tim Irwin 

@ False Enthusiasm is the worst thing about the NBA. Just like the constant noise from the speakers.
 Tom Binning 

@ it works for the Thunder, the blue looks awesome. But the Heat's white isn't what I associate with that team, better: Black/red
 Brian Hadad 

@ I'd tell you, but I don't want David Stern to fine me 100K.
 David Van Hofwegen 

@ love it when the heat do, love it when the penguins do it, loved it when the kings did it
 Andy Critchell 

@ I love it. It is a cool look.
 jon schroeder 

@ It loses its luster. Penn State's special white out is way cooler.
 Rich Grisham 

@ Lame. Even worse is the OKC crowd standing til the first basket. Talk about non-original copycat stuff. Bush league.
 Ryan Scott 

@ But then, yesterday OKC crowd was wearing blue. And so were the visiting Denver Nuggets.
 Ryan Scott 

@ I think it's good if the shirt is uhm... a color. Whiteouts are for hockey arenas where fans actually make noise.
 Patrick Ghidossi 

@ I like it, seems to enhance the noise level for whatever reason.
 Ryan Severance 

@ Tacky. Amateur.

@ I love it if they are also into the game. What I don't love? Noise making props. So awful.
 Jason Shannon 

@ Dumb when they're given to you with your ticket... if everyone can commit themselves to it w/o handout its impressive
 Connor Schone 

@ not sure of it's actual effect, but it looks fantastic on tv!
 J. Keller 

@ HORRENDOUS. And it's ten times worse if the shirts are white. That's designed to hide empty seats. It's bush league.

@ lame. that's for college
 Jeff Siegel 

@ It's really cool, to me. It always seems to get the crowd more into the game as well.

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